Saturday, 29 October 2011

Re(Calibrator) Phase2 part2

The paper sketch model was taken to a 3D modelling software called 3Ds Max, for computation and further development of this structure. Here I have built the geometry with slight alteration of the Z axis, which resulted in a slightly different construction.
Constructing the paper model into 3Ds Max
When completed, the structure looks very angular, with harsh corners and a certain rigidity.
A view from the left 
A view from the front
The left and front views reveal a "basement" compartments, which have not been indicated on the paper model. This "ground floor" sprung out during the paper to 3D Max transformation, as a geometric side effect.                                                                                                                                                  
Perspective view with a translucent glass material 
At this point I started comparing the analogue model with this digital one and while the paper model is very much physically present and tactile, yet it is very set in what it is and less allowing for further alterations, whereas the digital equivalent gives an enormous freedom of endless modifications of any of its components, but most importantly, it enables me to have an instant rough representation of different models, like metals, wood, glass etc.


  1. Hi I like yr blog very much and thanks for sharing.

  2. Pretty I looked through all your investigations and the String Theory is really inspiring....
    Also Brian's lecture, wow he's sooooooo charming,haha the power of acknowloge and imagination...

    As for yr perspective exploration, I suppose maybe curve and soft stuff could make it a little bit easier......curve lines and surfaces contain more changes...also the invisible dimentions--the tiny loop.

  3. Dear Ping thanks for your comments, it is a fair point and i should look into it, thanks for your time. I saw your project which looks incredible, but i couldnt work out how to comment as it is all in chinese i think :) good luc kwith the project !!
