Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Re(Calibrator) Phase 13

Now that I had some idea  of the 3 axis  cnc milling and the potential of the geometries that was possible to achieve with this method, I  looked at the geometry again and realised that I will need to  employ different glass making techniques.
I have gone  back to more complex version of the  initial  geometry and broke it down to 22  components.
First and foremost, I will most likely  use the direct  glass slumping in one piece technique for some of the parts.
Direct slumping method
I estimated that about  13 out of 22 elements could be generated with this  method.
There is also  the  glass slumping on a  wire mesh method, which some  of the forms  might benefit more.
Glass slumpig on a wire
In the proposed example, it is obvious that a 2nd material will be  needed  to keep the elements together.
Some of the forms  will have to go through  the core glass casting.

Intricate  core casting
In this  scenario, a two piece mould will be  produced with plaster and  quartz/silica mix.
For some of the forms, I am considering experimentations with rather  uncontrolled hot wire slumping.
Through  wire slumping
It is an exciting  method to test, however might  not be necessary for the proposed shapes.
Another thing  Iwas hoping to  achieve was the glass  slamping  in such a way, that would allow for a certain fusion to happen between the mould  material and  the glass.

slamping on a "permanent mould"
Although on the above example an actual fusion is not taking place, but it is nevertheless illustrating an intimate relationship and a  union betweeen the glass and  the mould.
I decided to test the range of polyurethane blocks that are effectively machinable on a 3 axis milling machine. I thought it  would allow me to fabricate negavites of the  geometry and then get the positive glass based on those moulds.

Polyurethane range 1 exposed to temperature
The experiments revealed that the all the range below the M440 density start  to burn under the temperatures as little  as 500 degrees Celsius.

Polyurethane range 2 exposed to temperature
Those samples with higher densities also showed signs of weakness around temperatures 600 and above.
Polyurethane range 3 exposed to temperature
 The most resilliant in the range gave in  at about 850 to  900 degrees.
These experiments do not necessarily mean  that I  couldnt still try the fusion of the moulds with the glass, however it will be difficult to find  the facilities for such experiments that can be harmful for the  glass kiln.

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