Lilit Mnatsakanyan is a GAD student at UCL Bartlett, doing her MArch degree. This blog is dedicated to all work/research/experiments etc produced during her studies.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Re(Calibrator) Phase3
In his lecture, Brian Greene is talking about the vibrational qualities of the strings. It is essentially, the superstring theory that attempts to explain all of the particles and fundamental forces of nature in one theory by modelling them as vibrations of tiny supersymmetric strings. (
This made me thinking about the vibrational representation of digital spaces and started searching for digital sound mixing programs and looking for the ways in which the space can be represented through sound.
Below are some experiments I have made with the help of software called photosound (
Photosound screen grab
Photosound with diminishing perspective image
Since the program is a demo only, I was unable to record the sound output.
Instead I recorded few video samples on camera and uploaded those on youtube. Below is a mirrored version of the perspective image; the program responds differently to symmetry. (
After these experiments, I started looking into ultrasound. By the term "ultrasound" we mean vibrations of a material medium which are similar to sound waves, but which have frequencies that are too high to be detected by an average human ear. The study and applications of these vibrations are called ultrasonics. (page 1, Introduction, "Ultrasonics" by A. P. Cracknell). There are many practical applications of ultrasonics, such as this "Foolproof" ultrasonic seat belt (Photograph by courtesy of Ford Motor Co. Ltd. page 56, "Ultrasonics" by A. P. Cracknell).
"Foolproof" ultrasonic seat belt by Ford
Another example is, for inshore fishing, in shallower waters considerable study has done on ultrasonic echoes from different kinds of fish. (pages 79-80, "Ultrasonics" by A. P. Cracknell).
Ultrasonic echoes during fishing
Perhaps the most fascinating phenomena is the use of ultrasound to describe/ perceive a space. Bats use ultrasound to avoid obstacles when flying, by using the pulse-echo method.
Bet using pulse-echo method for navigation
Below is a diagram of blind-guidance system, which has been tested on a very small child. (diagram by courtesy of T. G. R. Bower, page 104, "Ultrasonics" by A. P. Cracknell). Distance is signalled by the pitch (low pitch means near, high pitch means distant). Size is signalled by the amplitude (low volume means small object and high means far away). Texture is signalled by the clarity (clear sound means hard object and fuzzy means soft object).
Ultrasonic blind guidance system
Finally, most well known use of ultrasound imaging is in medicine. Standard clinical ultrasound typically has a resolution of several hundred micrometers with image penetration depth of several centimetres. High frequency ultrasound can have resolution of several tens of micrometers and finer. (page 5, "Ultrashort Laser Pulses in Biology and Medicine" by M. Braun, P. Gilch and W. Zinth)
Ultrasound imaging
To sum up, the use of photosound is perhaps irrelevant, since it is describing an image as a sound, rather than a portraying the sound of the three dimensional space.
The notion of the pulse-echo spatial representation is immensely intriguing, yet I am not certain of the particular application of it and the relevance to the research I am conducting.
Hence the notion of ultrasound is still lingering in the air and I am yet to found a justification for this in this process.
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